health and workplace wellness 

- Corporate Wellness Programs -


Retain Employees, Boost Morale, Increase Productivity

Supporting the health of your employees is important to you.
You understand that healthier and happier employees perform better and are more engaged, loyal and easier to retain.
Your organization and your needs are unique and a one-size-fits all corporate program won’t work.
You would love to offer a wellness program that your team actually participates in and enjoys.

Healthbent provides custom tailored corporate wellness solutions. 

Based in Atlanta, Healthbent incorporates in-person services with virtual meetings allowing you to reach your entire organization, including multiple locations and even remote employees.  And we do things differently.


The Healthbent Approach 

Healthbent empowers employees to be the drivers of their own health improvement plans.  With an approach rooted in Functional Medicine, Healthbent approaches health holistically addressing Nutrition, Exercise & Movement, Sleep & Relaxation, Stress, and Relationships.  Recognizing that change isn’t easy, Healthbent works with your team to help them overcome obstacles and meet their goals while providing them with the tools and strategies they need for lifelong health.


- Healthy employees drive healthy companies -

Learn how Healthbent can elevate the health of your organization.